Payment Information
Sterling transfer to:
1 Churchill Place
London E14 5HP
Name: Showpiece
Sort Code: 20-05-38
Account Number: 93396304
IBAN: GB27 BARC 20053893396304
Swift Code: BUKBGB22
Barclays Bank
Please include your name and invoice reference number when sending instructions to the bank and inform Baldwin’s (email: of your payment in order to speed up the delivery of your purchases.
Payment options
Credit Card (for purchases up to 5k), Debit Card and Regular Bank Transfer – You will receive our account details in the email order confirmation so you can instruct a bank transfer to us manually from your bank account. Please note our bank details.
Please note that cash payments are subject to maximum limits imposed by law – if in doubt please contact us. Debit card payments are accepted. Please call +44 (0)20 7930 6879 and have your card to hand.
For bank transfers a charge of £10 must be added to the amount due.
We regret that we are currently unable to accept payments through Amex or PayPal.